Coat Hair Treatment, Sprays, Colognes and Powders
We are proud to present some products used for Dog Showing .
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Below is a short description of ecah product .
Thank you for shopping at Pet Homes!
We promise to bring you only the best quality materials and state of the art products, to insure your success in the Show Ring.
Below is a short description of ecah product .
Potato Flour is magic for wet muddy legs or bellys or pooey pants if they have the runs.
Just pack it in, let it dry and brush out with a flat pure bristle brush. It absorbs the muck and brushes out leaving them clean and dry.
Potato Flour 1.5kg is delivered in tough plastic bottle with removeable lid. .
Potato Flour 450gram is delivered in tough plastic bag.
Bay Rum , Sprinkle a little bay rum lotion on the hands, working down from neck to base of tail, gently massage it into the coat.
This is effective on any dark-furred coats as it brings out the brilliance of the colours and leaves a beautiful sheen on the coat.
It should not be used on light-coloured coats, as it can cause staining.
Use as an after-groom mist to add shine and the sweet scent of bay rum.
Bay Rum is delivered in a Plastic Bottle.

Comes in 2fl oz = 60ml 6fl oz = 177ml
Tear Mender is a convenient and effective alternative to using tape or bandages for shaping dog ears.
It is safe, non-toxic, and wash-proof, staying put until removal is desired.
NOTE: Ear position varies by breed and the dog’s natural set, so be sure to CONSULT A PROFESSIONAL OR BREED MANUAL for proper positioning.
Preparation of the Ear:
- Hair on the inside of the flap SHOULD NOT be removed.
- The Ear canal should be flushed with hydrogen peroxide. Let the ear dry for 10 minutes before proceeding.
- Using cotton dipped in alcohol, clean the outside and inside of the ear flap.
Application of Tear Mender:
1: Apply Tear Mender to the hair on the area of the head to which the ear flap is to be affixed.2: Apply Tear Mender to the upper portion (tip) of the inside of the ear flap.
3: The ear flap can now be positioned by bringing the tip in contact with the head as desired,
gluing ear hair to head hair and holding it in place for 30 seconds or until hold sets.
4: The position should be watched for a few days; reposition if adjustment is needed.
5: The ear set should be left until hair growth loosens it. The ear flap is then gently separated from the head, and the adhesive is easily peeled off.
NOTE: Ear position varies by breed and the dog’s natural set, so be sure to CONSULT A PORFESSIONAL OR BREED MANUAL for proper positioning
On Dog - Apply bandage remover available at drugstores (we suggest Uni-Solve™, Detachol™,OR a little baby oil) to hair then use an extra fine flea comb to remove.
On Owner - Tear Mender easily rubs off fingers and solid surfaces. It will only bond to materials it can penetrate such as fabric.
SKU:DCTP-1.5KG_POTAAvailability: Out Of Stock
SKU:DCTP_450GM_POTAAvailability: Out Of Stock
SKU:DCTP_BAY-RUMAvailability: Out Of Stock
SKU:TMEN2OZAvailability: Out Of Stock
SKU:TMEN6OZAvailability: Out Of Stock