Parrot Problem Solver - Finding Solutions to Aggressive Behaviour

Up For Sale is A Book Called
Parrot Problem Solver
Finding Solutions to Aggressive Behaviour
by Barbara Heidenreich
Released in 2005
Fun Book About Your Bird
Knowledge about your bird is important, be part of your bird's life.
This wonderful quality book is written to help the novice AND Breeder
Explains how to help with the Health , Care & exercise of there your bird.....
DIMENSIONS of Books: 167mm wide x 235mm high.
Pages in Book: 152 pages with numerous photos
Weighs: 400 Grams, Thats allot of High Quality Paper!
The Book has many sections, see below.
Barbara presents the most progressive, and positive, suite of methodologies and insights into using positive reinforcement-based approaches,
in close combination with a well-developed sensitivity to our parrots' natural behaviours, to achieve effective behaviour change.
General Behaviour
Parrot Behaviour in the Wild
Pitfalls to Avoid when Looking at Parrot Behaviour
Reading Bird Body Language
Parrots and Punishment
Tools and Techniques to address Aggression
Applying the Techniques
Eleven 'real world' scenarios are provided at the end of the book to fully contextualise the methodologies advocated and how they can be applied.
The Parrot Problem Solver represents incredible value for money and should be considered an essential addition to the library of all parrot enthusiasts.
Jim McKendry'sReview |
Aggressive behaviour is something that many companion parrot owners will unfortunately experience at some stage in their relationship with their bird.
Traditionally, the use of punishment and negative reinforcement strategies have been advocated to deal with aggression in companion parrots and, unfortunately, many dominance-based approaches are still popular in uneducated circles.
Barbara Heidenreich has set a new standard in companion parrot literature with ‘The Parrot Problem Solver’, a text that focuses on managing aggressive behaviour whilst building highly positive relationships between parrots and their owners. Barbara presents the most progressive, and positive, suite of methodologies and insights into using positive reinforcement based approaches, in close combination with a well-developed sensitivity to our parrots’ natural behaviours to achieve effective behaviour change.
Purchase this book before you are faced with aggression from your bird and avoid relationship breakdowns which lead to aggressive behaviour by establishing a preventative behaviour management planGreat Present for Your Pet Lover Friend!
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