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My Great Great Uncle Fester(1) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(2) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(3) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(4) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(5) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(6) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(7) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(8) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(9) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(10) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(11) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(12) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(13) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(14) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(15) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(16) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(17) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(18) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(19) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
John(20) Bendy Road AU
Boat Shed(21) 88 Fred Street AU
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Care for chooks on weekends away

First time chicken proprietors regularly get very apprehensive and restless at the prospect of leaving their fine feathered companions home alone for an end of the week.

Easter, ANZAC day, Queens Birthday end of the week, weddings, birthday celebrations, Christmas-there are an entire host of reasons why you may need to leave town for a couple of days, and more often than not it isn't profitable, helpful or even worthy to take your chickens with you. Most chicken proprietors will apprehensively make the inquiry, "is it ok for me to leave my chickens unattended?" Fortunately, the appropriate response is "yes", administering to your chickens while you are away is protected and simple, insofar as your arrangement ahead as far as nourishment, water and predators.

How long is too long?

First of all, chickens should just be allowed to sit unbothered for a greatest of three to four days at the most. In the event that you are proposing to leave your chickens for whenever longer than three or four days, it's basic that you organize a 'chicken sitter' – be that a companion, neighbor or something else – to come around and enable your run to out. Further to this point, it is just protected to leave your chickens unattended for three to four days on the off chance that you have done the fundamental arrangement ahead of time, much the same as you would with some other pet, similar to a feline or a pooch. Chickens are sensibly basically animals that simply require nourishment, water and satisfactorily secure safe house.

Should I let my neighbours know?

It certainly doesn't hurt to tell a dependable neighbor that you're leaving throughout the end of the week. A great many people do this fair to guarantee somebody watches out for the house, however you can likewise ask your neighbor to simply stick their head over the fence and verify whether your coop and the chickens are okay. Bunches of individuals as of now get their neighbors to take the containers out, check the mail and encourage the pooch while they're away, so a fast look over a fence truly isn't excessively to inquire. Likewise, you might need to request that they gather the eggs, which will doubtlessly light up their day, all things considered, who wouldn't like to eat delightful, nutritious, crisp unfenced eggs? In the event that you need your neighbors to do much else besides that, it's most likely best that you make more of an arrangement.

Are chickens self-sufficient?

This is a precarious inquiry to reply. From one viewpoint, chickens are extremely free and can keep themselves upbeat without an excess of human association. While then again, chickens depend vigorously on people to furnish them with nourishment and water. Chickens need to a consistent supply of nourishment and particularly water, generally there is a grave danger of starvation, drying out, which tragically can bring about death. Inasmuch as you can meet the groups fundamental survival needs while you're away, odds are your chooks will be splendidly content and glad.

What should I do about food and water?

Sustenance and water is extremely the best need when leaving your chickens for two or three days. Insofar as they are living in a protected coop, similar to the Penthouse and have a lot of nourishment and water, you will realize that you at any rate have all their essential needs secured. This is the reason it's vital that you have a strong arrangement as far as how your run will effortlessly get to their nourishment and water over this time. In the event that you need more data about how much water a grown-up chicken should drink every day.

How much feed and water should I leave?

The general knowledge is that chickens ought to have consistent access to nourishment and water, in any case, while you're away, take a shot at the equation that your chickens will eat around 1/some encourage and drink roughly 500 milliliters of water for every day. For instance, say you have 3 chickens and you are leaving for three days you will require in any event roughly some bolster and around 4.5 liters of water. This being stated, you know how much your chickens eat and drink best, so essentially endeavor to reproduce a similar sustenance supply as you would on the off chance that you were still at home.

Is it better to be safe than sorry?

It is smarter to leave excessively encourage as opposed to close to nothing. A few people guarantee they have a vast feeder and waterer accessible so they can fill it to the overflow and feel guaranteed that their chickens approach a lot of sustenance and drink. This being stated, overloaded feeders have a tendency to draw in irritations and rodents, for example, mice and rats to the coop, so best not to make a propensity for stuffing the feeder.

Are extra feeders and waterers a good idea?

It is a smart thought to have get an additional feeder and waterer for your coop for various reasons. Right off the bat, the same number of chicken proprietors know, these brazen young ladies get a kick out of the chance to tip over their feeders and waterers when they get exhausted. Thus, on the off chance that they will be secured up in the run or coop for a couple of days, it is an unmistakable probability that they may have a fit and thump over their nourishment supply. This obviously would cause serious issues if the run never again approaches clean sustenance or water. Having an additional feeder and waterer is an awesome method to guarantee that your chickens will approach sustenance and water over the whole span of your opportunity away, should they encounter a diva minute and flip over their feeder or water container.

Should I leave them some extra treats?

Leaving your run some additional treats isn't just a decent method to keep them engaged, however it likewise is an additional method to guarantee they have a lot of sustenance. Hanging some cabbage, lettuce or broccoli from the roof of the run is the ideal method to advance a fun gathering society inside the coop while you're away.

How can I protect my flock from predators?

One of the startling concequences of leaving your run unattended is that most predators can tell when people are away. This implies your chickens will probably be deal with by predators, which may endeavor to tunnel into the coop. Securing your coop with wire work flooring, to keep the predators from tunneling under, and additionally introducing a predator light and an auto entryway are generally sharp approaches to additionally ensure your rush while you are away.

Our Backyard Chicken Coops are a genuine hit with our clients, who adore the way that they are both simple to clean and guard them from predators, which gives them significant serenity around evening time.

"The coop is amazingly simple to clean and my young ladies cherish the perches in the run. I adore watching them potter off into the coop at nightfall to settle in for the night. I realize that the young ladies are protected during the evening in the coop and the run likewise keeps the predators out." (Karen, C, proprietor of a Penthouse chicken coop)

What can I do to keep the coop clean?

It is a smart thought to give your coop an intensive clean start to finish before you leave. Evacuate all the bedding and supplant it with somewhat more sheet material than you typically would, to guarantee that excrement won't turn into an issue while you're away. It's most likely best to run with a top notch item like hemp bedding that has almost double the permeableness of customary creature bedding. Toward the day's end be that as it may, there truly isn't much else you can do as far as keeping botch and compost from working up while you're away. Simply be set up to give your coop a decent once finished when you get back.

Will my chickens get lonely?

Chickens are social animals however the reality of the situation is that they truly lean toward the organization of different chickens. Despite the fact that we expect chickens esteem the part people play in their lives extraordinarily, toward the day's end it is more imperative that they have persistent contact with different chooks, instead of people. The fortunate thing about this is, you don't need to stress over them getting desolate while you're away, insofar as they have the entire run to stay with them. Despite the fact that they will see you're gone, it is improbable that they'll be excessively staged or stressed by the entire circumstance.

Insofar as you are readied, have a lot of new sustenance and water accessible and have a solid and secure coop like the Taj Mahal, Penthouse or Mansion, odds are your end of the week from home will go off easily. Who knows? Possibly nonattendance will influence the heart to become fonder and you and your chickens will discover your bonds have become considerably more tightly finished your chance away?

Care for chooks on weekends away
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